Millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions every December. You may be one of them. But you probably also know how tough it can be to keep a resolution. It helps if you have a support system, and the right tools to make keeping your resolution as easy as possible. We’ve personally found that a […]
Are you the type of gift-giver who likes to surprise people with one big gift? Do you like selecting smaller gifts so you can watch people open presents? Or, do you delight in coming up with unique stocking stuffers? The team here at LiveWell Outdoors has prepared a list of Christmas gift ideas for the […]
The team here at LiveWell Outdoors is close. The members of our team are like an extended family. We’ve been through a lot together this year, and we are grateful for each other, our clients, our health, and much more. Today, we're sharing all that we’re thankful for, as well as some of our favorite […]
You have an incredible outdoor living space. Your patio is a wonderful gathering place, sometimes bustling with activity, at other times quiet and serene. But without properly preparing everything for winter, you could end up with a less than incredible space come springtime. We’ve put together some patio winterization tips to help you protect your […]
Summer is long gone, and winter is around the corner here in Maryland and Northern Virginia. We may still be having some warm sunny days, but that won’t last long. But by taking care of some fall landscape chores now, you can get a jump start next spring when temperatures warm up again. And you […]
Do you remember what your landscape design looked like years ago? Maybe you did it yourself, or you hired a landscape design company. Or maybe you got lucky and moved into a home where the previous owners had created a garden paradise. But time and weather can take their toll. Today, we lay out the […]
It’s easy to decorate your outdoor living spaces for fall, but it takes a bit more work to spruce up your landscape. The summer flowers have faded, and we’re seeing more tan, brown, and grey than we would like. Now is the time to brighten things up with our top fall landscape ideas. Fill your […]
The cooler temperatures of fall are here, and that means it’s time to switch up the menu a bit. We all have our summertime favorite recipes, using fresh-caught fish or fresh veggies from the garden or farmer’s market. A lot of the time it’s lighter fare, because of the heat of the Maryland summer. But […]
When the temperatures drop, our thoughts turn to fall festivals, apple cider, and pumpkin everything. Now is the time to put away your summer décor and swap it out. Keep reading for fall decorating ideas and some tips on how to dress up your porch, walkways, mailbox area, and patio or deck. Support Your Local […]
Some of our longtime customers who knew us as The Sharper Cut Landscapes asked us why we rebranded our company as LiveWell Outdoors. It’s been about six months since we made the change. And we’d like to tell the story of our brand evolution. We thought that a Q and A with our company owner, […]