

Summer Landscaping Tips to Keep Your Property Looking Its Best

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The heat of the summer sun can really do a number on your lawn and garden beds. So can those heavy rains that come with summer thunderstorms. Take a walk around your property to spot any issues, and then follow these summer landscaping tips to keep your property looking its best.

Your Lawn

Many of us in the Capitol region have large, lush, green lawns that take up a majority of the front yard, and much of the back. You want to keep it looking its best, even when the temperatures reach the high 90s. There are 3 main factors you need to consider: mowing, watering, and fertilizing.


Mowing seems like a pretty simple thing, right? It can be, if you follow a few rules to promote the health of your turfgrass. The first thing is to make sure you don’t cut the grass shorter than 2.5 inches. Doing that puts stress on the grass. Letting it stay longer also helps it develop deeper roots to make better use of water.

Vary your mowing pattern each time you mow to help ensure the grass grows straight and doesn’t get beaten down in the same area each time. Try straight across, up and down, and diagonal patterns.


Some people let their grass go dormant rather than watering it. If that’s not you, keep an eye on the weather. Your lawn should get about an inch of water each week for best health. If you’re not expecting enough help from Mother Nature, water the lawn yourself.

Whether you have a professionally installed sprinkler system or you use a sprinkler attached to a hose, water as early as you can – ideally before 7 AM. This reduces evaporation. Don’t water the lawn late at night because this can cause fungus to grow on the lawn overnight.


Whether you hire one of the lawn service companies or you go to the Home and Garden store and get all of the supplies you need, make sure you fertilize as recommended. This will keep your grass looking green and lush.

Your Garden Beds

Your garden beds add enjoyment of your property as well as curb appeal. Pay close attention to what is going on there. Tasks for summertime include:


You can do this with plants in garden beds as well as potted plants. Deadheading simply means pruning or removing damaged, dying, or dead flowers. This helps promote extended flowering.


Take the time to weed your garden beds at least once a week to get weeds while they’re small, and keep them from taking over. You should have a good layer of mulch to help prevent weeds.


If you selected native plants for your garden beds, they should be relatively drought tolerant. But if we hit a dry spell and you notice plants drooping, you can revive them and keep them healthy with regular watering.

As with your lawn, watering earlier in the morning is the best time. Using a hose or a watering can, apply the water towards the roots of the plants rather than the foliage. This can help prevent disease.


Ensuring a proper level of mulch is usually a spring or fall task, but if you notice bare spots due to erosion or other factors, you can apply mulch in the summer. It should never be deeper than 2-3 inches, and be careful to keep it away from the trunks of trees and shrubs.

Watch for Disease

It’s important to watch for signs of disease in both your lawn and your garden beds. If you catch fungus or disease earlier, it is much easier to handle the problem. You may want to consult with a landscaping professional if you don’t already work with one.


Dream It. Build It. Live It.

Summer is also a great time to plan upgrades to your landscape design, as fall is an excellent time to install new gardens, revamp old ones, or add hardscaping such as retaining walls, a new patio, or an outdoor kitchen.

If you’re looking to enhance your curb appeal and your enjoyment of your outdoor living space, the team here at LiveWell Outdoors can help. Just fill out the form to schedule a consultation, or call us at 301.720.1000.

We work with homeowners throughout the Capitol Region, including Maryland, DC, and northern Virginia.

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